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"Southern California's Unique Sober Living."

“But me he caught—reached all the way from sky to sea; he pulled me out of that ocean of hate, that enemy chaos, the void in which I was drowning. They hit me when I was down, but God stuck by me. He stood me up on a wide-open field; I stood there saved—surprised to be loved!”

-2 Samuel  22: 17-20 


The Rising Tide Ranch is a Christ centered, men only, sober living ranch. While you don’t need to be a Chrisitian to reside here you will have the opportunity to encounter Jesus while you are here. 


We believe in a holistic approach to restorative recovery based on body mind and spirit with an emphasis on spirit. We believe in the 12 step principles of AA, NA and Celebrate Recovery. We believe that recovery is possible when we work a good program!  


With our emphasis in mind, body and spirit we carefully crafted our amenities to provide a space for you to address each one. Our onsite fitness center, close proximity to the beach and with the nearby 3.5 miles of hiking/biking trail will allow you to work on your physical healing. Attending meetings and working a good 12 step program provides the opportunity to grow and heal your mind. Attending church, Bible study and personal mentorship allows your spirit to heal and grow. It’s not all work around the ranch! We believe that community, connection, fun and brotherhood are the foundations to lasting recovery! Whether it’s surfing, skating, horseback riding or another type of hobby we are here to help you reengage that part of life in a fun and active way! 

Click the link below to become a partner of Rising Tide Ranch today!



• Onsite fitness center • Only 2 per room • Onsite laundry

• Rec Room • Onsite house manager • Action Sports• Fellowship

• Missions Opportunities• Mentorship • On the bus route • 5 acre property 

• Access to food pantry • Fun Monthly Outing

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